Saturday, November 30, 2019

On the banks of the Neva Review Essay Example

On the banks of the Neva Review Paper Essay on On the banks of the Neva This example of elegant, elegance of prose talented woman. A magnificent monument erected on the Silver Age of paper. Example of what should be a memoir, to be interesting, exciting, and not forced to quietly yawn of boredom. In my opinion, Odoyevtseva entered the history of literature, not as a poet, her memories overshadowed her poetry . Do I have to regret it? I think it is not necessary. On the pages of her memoirs revive Gumilyov, Akhmatova, Gippius, Merezhkovsky, Taffy, Blok, Yesenin, and many other talented people of a bygone era .EE memories are only its interpretation of what he saw, uslyshennogo. They are thin, delicate, sophisticated, friendly. I believe her. I feel her sincerity. I feel her humanity. The story draws to impossible, the two volumes On the banks of the Neva, On the banks of the Seine avidly read in one day. Even not known to me until then figure poets take on the majestic aura arouse interest and desire to learn, prochustvovat. Contributes to this magnificent collection of poems, chosen by the author. We will write a custom essay sample on On the banks of the Neva Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on On the banks of the Neva Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on On the banks of the Neva Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer I do not know whether to impute to her reproach, but his personal life with Georgi Ivanov, it describes very delicately, avoiding awkward moments. Napr.fraza abandoned her, I was not jealous, whether such strikes are unlikely to scratch, but Odoyevtseva tactfully silent about the reasons to get her to this proiznesti.Navernoe it right, you should not throw off geniuses from their pedestals. What I personally can not forgive her (I certainly dramatizing, but still boyish in me ineradicable) so it remarry after the death of her husband. In order to perpetuate this beautiful story of an alliance between it and Georgi Ivanov, it is just before the story had no right to remarry. Of course, my statement comical. I am sure that there were reasons for the marriage of a property, not the desire to save another poet, I think it was, and material calculations, including (this is only my speculation), tkv memoirs said that they in the end of life they lived very poorly, almost starving. And I can well understand a lonely woman at the age of the remaining one, with virtually no means of livelihood. But I just want to dismiss it, to erase these events To summarize:. Brilliant memoirs of a brilliant epoch, written by the brilliant woman! I bow.

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